Helen Mills
Helen Mills (known as Millsy) is a senior critical care nurse with over 20 years of experience of working in human factors and safety training. She has built an excellent reputation in a world-famous cardiac centre as someone to offer remediation over safety and training issues. She has focussed her career in the last 10 years solely on education, running the Simulation and Essential Clinical Skills department in St Bartholomew’s hospital. She worked as an ITU nurse during the Covid 19 pandemic and has most recently (2021) moved hospital to take up a senior nursing role in Intensive Care.
Throughout Millsy’s time working in education, she has had the opportunity to design and deliver various courses to different professional groups related to human factors, leadership and management.
She has a specific interest in Human Factors and debriefing.
Millsy has a Masters qualification in Nursing (2010) and a PG cert in education (2013)