High Stakes Training focusses on the non-technical skills, the skills that have tragic consequences when done poorly.
We are an interdisciplinary Team of professionals, with a breadth of NHS and education experience. We are passionate and committed to providing high quality training for future proofing High Stakes industries, such as our NHS.
We provide a training experience embedded with constructive and robust lifelong wellbeing skills, for staff to achieve alongside work based skills
We promote confidence, emotional intelligence and competence in enterprise.
We promote a quality of working life in order to progress through a career
For clinical practice-based colleagues we believe a quality of working life is reflected in high quality patient care
Our product promotes current teaching craft methods, embracing digital proficiency, with real life experience to influence original simulation-based training
We develop constructive lifelong skills such as critical thinking and reflection
We create a safe learning environment
Our Courses
Bespoke Courses
We can design bespoke courses to meet your specific training needs
Debriefing Traumatic Events one to one
Building individual confidence and skills to communicate after a traumatic incident
Debriefing Traumatic Events in Teams
Building confidence and skills to communicate after a traumatic incident
Understanding Human Factors in your workplace
Explore the Human Factors when dealing with crisis in your work place.
Our Trainers
Helen Mills
Nurse and Clinical Educator
Jessica Hoyle
Consultant Anaesthetist and Educator
Aaron McCarthy
Executive Leadership Coach and Trainer